Good Afternoon my pretties!!! Hope everyone is enjoying this heat and humidity~~ because it's not the heat- it's the humid that makes it so miserable right?? (Sorry, no it's the heat too- I'm too delicate a Scottish flower to believe the bullshit about how dry heat is different...) I prefer comfortably warm-- about 10-15 degrees cooler than it's been here lately!
So ANYHOW... enough about the weather- let's get down to the nitty gritty of why we're here... (to read what I have to say, right?)
Have you ever been happy, content and just sailing along-- no chop, smooth water, just the right amount of wind and sunshine. A perfect feeling actually, one you'd like to relish for a long time... A feeling you could get used to and could enjoy to it's fullest....
Then BAM!!! Suddenly your sail has a small hole in it, out of nowhere. It's not a huge rip, it's hardly noticeable to the nekkid (yes NEKKID) eye- but slowly you start losing wind-- your mainsail starts to deflate a little and you're no longer sailing along, more like drifting aimlessly. The longer you're out on the water the larger the rip gets and the more deflated your sail becomes, until finally it's useless.
Now how the hell are you going to get back to shore?? You have to break out the oars and row in. What happened to your smooth, slow, relaxed sailing excursion?? Now you have to WORK to get back to shore safely. It's starting to get dark and that calm water is now a little freakishly scary. So you row harder and harder hoping to get back to land before your mind starts to play tricks on you and you start seeing things in the dark, in the still calm water. Hopefully you're rowing in the right direction, not going in circles or getting further and further from shore.
Oh and don't forget it's getting cold now- the sun has set and taken not only, the only light you had but that wonderful soft warmth along with it. This makes it even harder to row as the cold sets in. You're cold, tired, scared and a little pissed off that your relaxing jaunt has taken a turn for the worst. Your mind is racing- you're starting to consider giving up, when you see a glimmer of light.
Hopefully it's not some kind of sea monster (told you your mind was racing and making up some crazy shit!) You're inclined to row toward the light, hurriedly at first, then your brain starts making up more crazy stuff so you slow down some-- the closer you get, you realize it's a light house, a beckon of safety! You row faster and harder until you finally make it to shore- safely. You're welcomed by a light keeper, offered shelter, food and rest. You also discover a place to repair your sail. It isn't a hard job, the sail isn't completely torn just enough to deflate and not hold your wind- so you mend your sail and sleep a good hard sleep after working so hard to get to shore. The next day you are able to start off on your sailing excursion again... renewed, restored and ready to go. The light keeper gives you enough provisions to help you in the event your sail goes flat again along with a compass to help you on your way. This time you're prepared for dangers and feel more secure as you travel in your repaired sailboat.
OK so MOST of us have never even BEEN on a sailboat- much less on an excursion out on our own like the one above. BUT how many times have you be content and happy, sailing along when someone says something that just seems to take all the wind out of your sails?? It may have been an innocent comment to them but to you it was that small rip that lead to your deflated mainsail. They may not even realize they've said or done anything 'damaging' but yet there you are, dead in the water, feeling defeated.
Then your light house comes along- it could be a friend, a stranger, a child with something to say that lifts your spirits- or it could be something else- you may read something, see something- whatever it is for you, it helps guide you to a safe, quiet place. A place to regroup and remind yourself, you're OK. A place where you can repair your sail and relax. Where you can reflect. From this encounter with your light keeper you feel energized, ready to head back out- ready to conquer your insecurities and fears again- to get back on track. You may proceed cautiously at first. You may choose to avoid the one who 'ripped your sail' in the first place, at least for a while... or you may choose to confront them- whatever floats your boat (HA) and works for you! But remember when you feel that darkness creeping in that there is someone, something out there that is your light keeper-- and strive to surround yourself with that (those, them... you get the point)
I hope each of you find your light house today- and act as someone's light keeper as well.
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