this atrocity "Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Explains Why He Hates Fat Chicks" hit my Facebook feed… REALLY?? What timing!! Just when I had posted "Breaking the Mold"... However, I actually scoffed at it because despite Mr. Jeffries
claim that he didn't want ‘fat chicks’ wearing his brand… I CAN wear the guys
XL/XXL T’s and Rugby shirts… therefore invalidating his argument that 'overweight women' can’t wear Abercrombie and Fitch stuff. (BUT
I will also NEVER wear another Abercrombie garment again due to his comments and my
skinny, cute and cool son won’t either!)
I took a gander at
Ole Mr. Jeffries
Since Mr. J was being candid, let me say quite honestly - I don’t find him at
all attractive or ‘cool’ (again, attractive is subjective to perspective, so I’m
sure there are many out there who might find him to be ‘hot’, I’m just not one
of them) —but I’m willing to bet he didn't grow up feeling
like one of the ‘cool kids’ himself (or a fat chick broke his heart at some point in his childhood) and is projecting his insecurities on and
helping to fuck up yet another generation of impressionable, media conscious
With garbage like
this being thrown out there is it any wonder we have so many young girls with
body image issues, horrible self-esteem and eating disorders? And young men who
are bullied because they are different?
Makes me sick to think my son will be growing up in this society-
granted physically he could RAWK an A/F bag- he does have a BMI of 13.8
naturally. But I want him to know it’s
ok to love any body shape, composition whatever we want to call it… that’s one
reason I want to LOVE myself- so he knows it’s OK to be who you are!! (and to love who you want- regardless of their
shape or size)
I do wonder if Mike
Jeffries didn’t (hopefully) shoot himself in the wallet with this proclamation
though- after all who does he think controls the cash flow that most of these
younglings are blowing up in his stores?? Moms and dads… who don’t all fit his
ideal customer base, and would disgrace his brand by stepping foot in his
stores, who from what I’m reading are quite offended by his discrimination and
refuse to allow their children to purchase/wear/sport Abercrombie and Fitch any longer—sure there
are some young ‘uns that work and spend their own hard earned bling on his
overpriced attire, but there are enough pissed off parents out there that he
could possibly see a dip in his profits now that he’s put this crap out
there. Natural consequences… just sayin’.
After reading this
last night I took a long look in the mirror—at all the curves, imperfections, scars- each
one makes me unique—and I actually went to bed feeling better about
myself than I have in a LONG time.
Granted I didn’t want to get up this morning (I really wanted to sleep
longer) but I even woke up feeling good about being ME. Because mentally last night I broke one more
mold- I don’t want to fit in to the ‘Abercrombie and Fitch’ “Core Customer”
club- how boring is that??
Google Abercrombie model (I'll wait while you do) and you’ll see a bunch of younger boys- well I CAN’T fit that image (I’m not
equipped, my plumbing is quite different) and the few female models I saw didn’t
seem to have any special attributes that set them apart from each other—granted these
are just two dimensional images on a page and they may have some AMAZING
personalities and they are pretty ****I’m
NOT bashing the models of Abercombie and Fitch only trying to analyze the concept of Mr.
Jeffries mindset****
Yeah, I much prefer my curves, dips, rolls, scars
and tattoos- they make me unique, set me apart and make me—ME!! And
that’s pretty damn spectacular!!! So Mike Jeffries can keep his exclusive ‘club’—I’d rather
be set apart even if I am considered one of the ‘uncool’ fat chicks! I’m cool
with that!!!
Remember whatever
size you are- you’re BEAUTIFUL just by being YOU!!!!