Sometimes taking your kid to the doctor is quite like taking your car to the mechanic, the problem you're being seen for isn't replicated even in the slightest when someone is looking at it-- Monkey's last visit to the Lower Extremity specialist felt like a waste of the cute doctors time... Monkey didn't even attempt to toe-walk while we were there... Dr McCutie thinks it's habitual-- the Monk pretty much proved that when we got home, he started to go up on his toes and he told me "no walking on you toes 'Monkey'... off you toes!" So yeah I think it's a habit. His uncle WoWzer bought him a new pair of fancy sneakers this weekend in an attempt to discourage it- yeah... didn't help really, now he can pretty much get into a pointe stance in those! I guess I could have a danseur noble on my hands, it could be much, much worse!!!
Mikal Burisnikov
In other good news-- I'm signing the lease officially to the new digs on the fourteenth. My own personal Valentine's Day for me and Monkey! I'm so excited... When I can get in and get pics of the awesome new kitchen, I will throw them up here. Between the location, so close to Monkey's school and the kitchen, dare I say I've found my utopia??
Remember the day I took Monkey to the doctor I told you all I had learned a lot and wanted to share?? No-- ok lets review that day... The Day I took Monkey to the Dr..., caught up?? Yes? Awesome!! Ok so I've talked about learning to see yourself from the 'other side' of the two way mirror in past posts- and how it can really make you feel differently about yourself~~ so my next challenge to myself was to start seeing OTHERS through the opposite side of their mirrors. WHOA!!! Mind blown!! It started the other day when I was coming into the building that houses my part time home (my office), I saw a lady who by today's societal standards was not particularly attractive. Not being cruel only stating fact, she was a very large woman- (this coming from a big girl, keep that in mind) but she was smiling, she was struggling to walk a decent pace because she was so fluffy but yet she was smiling. So as I walked past her I looked through the other side of her mirror- and what do you know? She was beautiful... her smile out-shined the size of the dress she wore- knowing that to someone, somewhere she is the most beautiful, loving creature they can imagine- made ME, a total stranger- see her differently. Her smile was also contagious- as I ran hastily into the office after stopping to admire it for a minute, I realized I felt lighter- like some bit of my self judgement had been lifted by our brief momentary encounter. Did she even notice me? I don't know- Did she have a clue about the impact she had on my day- I can say with out hesitation, no- she had NO idea.
Now, imagine with me if you will-- aww come on, indulge me for a minute?? Thank YOU!! Imagine if we did that with everyone we met~ instead of looking at them the way society has conditioned us to view them-- old, fat, ugly, hateful, lazy, freaky, (insert your word of choice here)... what if we looked at them through the other side of their mirrors??? I'm trying to do that with every encounter I have and not gonna lie for some it's a challenge- mostly the ones who aren't unattractive but rather have attitude problems... however after a few minutes I can manage to make it happen and my interaction with them changes, I soften up and have more compassion for them and whatever it is they're going through.
My new challenge to myself and to YOU is to find someone you personally know but don't like- maybe it's a grumpy old neighbor, or a weird co-worker, that girl at the grocery check out that's always hateful and short... stop for a minute and see them as someone who loves them sees them... let me know if it doesn't change your perspective on things.
Totally NOT a Taylor Swift fan but gotta say the kid nailed it on this one...
Have a wonderful day reflecting my beauties!!!
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