Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The other day I got a nice little bonus from Amazon Mom, I got a credit for some MP3s... it was only $2.00 so I didn't have a lot of wiggle room with it- but I found the $.69 MP3's and found "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac.  I've always loved that song, even the Dixie Chicks cover-- but now that I have Monkey it seems to mean more.

Lately I've been going thru some difficult realizations when it comes to Monkey~ and the lyrics...

Well I've been afraid of changing 
Because I've built my life around you- 
But time makes you bolder 
Children get older 
I'm getting older too

the lyrics... I get them now!! I really do... I've been afraid of changing, of letting go of somethings and accepting what I've denied for so long..... I've encouraged and pushed him for five years and he's been bold and done things no one expected- now it's my turn to be bold.  To step out of my 'comfort zone' and face reality.

Nothing sarcastic and witty left to say tonight, I'm emotionally drained~~ the landslide has brought me down.  So I'm going to leave you with Stevie and the rest of Fleetwood Mac...

Sleep well my darlings... sleep well!!

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